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Roman Coffee Civilization

Roman Coffee Civilization: breaking through the darkness, leading the way to freedom of the Enlightenment

Around the 16th century, coffee was introduced to Europe from the Ottoman kingdom. Europeans quickly discovered the social and medicinal benefits of the "Arab drink" during the dark Middle Ages.

In Europe, many new concepts about coffee have been formed such as "Homo Coffea" (Coffee Human) “Societas Coffea” (Coffee Society) symbolizing a change of life, a break with the past and a move straight to the future. Coffee became a source of energy for intellectual movements and the Renaissance movement.


Roman coffee civilization, also known as the coffee civilization which represents Western scientific and technological applications, has been famous since around the 17th century.

If the Ottoman civilization processed and prepared coffee entirely by hand, the coffee was finely ground and boiled, then the Italians invented a machine that used steam pressure to extract pure essence and aroma of coffee beans in the fastest time. The term Espresso was born and entered the Italian dictionary with the meaning "Coffee that can be served immediately and just for you".

Coffee contributed to bringing Western European society at that time out of the situation of being flooded with yellow - black - white beer that lasted for dozens of centuries, opening up the period of Enlightenment, laying the foundation for the first industrial revolution along with the rapid development of scientific and technical applications.

In the Roman coffee civilization, coffee formed the "one-penny university" in England, and was the favorite drink of many great men in history, in all fields of politics, economics, philosophy, literature, art

Along with the development of coffee, coffee shops that appeared in the early Capitalism period became a place to meet and discuss issues related to the philosophy of life and human affairs in the era of capitalism, being enlightened and awakened by the power of coffee.

From then on, coffee shops gradually became the first civic public space in history. Coffee has become the lifestyle, concept of life, attitude to life, philosophy of life... of the coffee drinker himself. Enjoyment laid the foundation for the shaping of Continental Western European coffee culture with the division and interaction between three outstanding qualities: French Class, Italian Style and Viennese Spirit.

Enjoying the Italian Coffee Masterpiece - a representative of the Roman coffee civilization, is enjoying both an art and a cultural heritage.