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The Republic of the Philippines, is an archipelagic country in Southeast Asias. By 1730, coffee plantations had become an essential part of the Philippine economy. In the 19th century, coffee production in the Philippines thrived in 1880,  was the fourth largest exporter in the world. The Philippines was the 32nd largest producer of coffee in the world in 2019. In 2020, for the first time in history, a locally produced coffee won the Philippine National Barista Championship (PNBC). The Philippines is one of the few nations that produce four main coffee varieties: Arabica, Liberica (Barako), Excelsa, and Robusta, 90% of the coffee produced domestically is Robusta.
There are many types of hot coffee drinks in the Philippines, from traditional black coffee to specialty drinks like latte or cappuccino. These drinks are usually served in ceramic cups that keep the coffee warm for longer. In the Philippines, nine out of ten households have coffee in their pantries and eight out of ten adults in the country drink an average of 2.5 cups of coffee every day. Coffee always be part of the lives of the Filipino people.