Tổng cộng: đ 2.950.000

đ 1.125.000
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It was made in 1930 in Germany, a European country, which always pioneers in coffee roasting technology in the world. 
Currently, similar products are still trusted to use by countries around the world, the problem of electric coffee grinding needs less effort but high efficiency. It caters to small businesses.
On the market today, there are many types of coffee grinders whose operating principles are basically quite similar. For this machine, just plug the power cord into a 5-prong outlet, and turn on the switch to operate grinding for only seven minutes. One grinding batch corresponds to 5 kilos of roasted coffee beans. The grinder is red and tall, designed with a funnel with a small slot inside to let coffee beans fall into. Next to it, there is a slot for coffee powder, and four strong and sturdy legs supporting the grinder.