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Korea comprises the Korean Peninsula (the mainland) is located in Northeast Asia, The National Consumer Organization Council of Korea recently said that the coffee consumption of 70% of Korean adults averages at least 1 cup daily, and the monthly cost of coffee is at least 103,978 won. 12.2% of respondents said that they drink coffee five to six times a week and 8% and 4% mention it three to four times and once or twice, respectively.
In South Korea, the number of cafes per million inhabitants is 1,384 while in Japan it is 529. The size of the Korean coffee market has increased from $0.3 billion to more than $4.3 billion between 2007 and 2021. The average Korean coffee consumption is 367 cups a year, ranking second in the world and more than double the global average.
The type of coffee that Koreans prefer is not too strong and pure, but is usually diluted coffee or coffee mixed with a lot of fresh milk, so the two most popular types of coffee are usually Latte and Americano.